Circle Fitness R8 Entertainment EPlus 2.0 BT Recumbent Ergometer, Black Recumbent Ergometer - 1
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On sale!-CHF 1'000.00

Circle Fitness R8 Entertainment EPlus 2.0 Recumbent Ergometer - EXHIBITION MODELS

For questions, contact the Shark Fitness Shop Wettingen at 056 427 02 25 or the Shark Fitness Shop Wil at 071 931 51 51.

The R8 Entertainment EPlus 2.0 recumbent ergometer from Circle Fitness is designed for home use to commercial continuous use in gyms, hotels, company fitness or physiotherapies. The equipment of Circle Fitness convinces by a robust construction, an elegant design and the latest technology. The R8 Entertainment EPlus 2.0 recumbent ergometer from Circle Fitness is equipped with a 39.6cm touch screen. WiFi compatibility allows for web surfing on Google. Youtube, Spotify and Netflix are unlocked on the touch screen. 10 interactive virtual tracks provide a live track experience.

CHF 2'990.00 Tax included

CHF 2'765.96 Tax excluded

CHF 3'990.00 - CHF 1'000.00

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CircleCloud Go
Take charge of your workout with features like the Target Train program that lets you set fitness goals and track your progress down to the minute. Learn more about yourself and your workouts with Body Manager and Workout Performance features, and keep up with all the stats you need to know about your workouts. Enjoy the Circle Fitness user interface experience by effortlessly accessing your music, videos, and social media. Your exercise revolution is here and Circle Fitness puts you at the center of it.

CircleFit App
Sync with CircleFit: Through the CircleFit wellness app, we offer seamless integration of data between all your devices so you can create and review your personalized workouts using only your smartphone.
Outdoor workout app and wearable device integration - CircleFit seamlessly integrates data from all your workouts, whether outdoors or indoors. Making your workout as easy, exciting and fun as possible!
Workout integration with popular outdoor fitness apps and wearable devices: Our data integration features allow you to seamlessly track, archive, and sync your fitness progress across 9 partnered workout apps with our CircleFit app technology. It's never been easier or more fun to mix up your workouts, monitor your progress and stay motivated.

Powerful app provides real-time connectivity with Circle Cloud and the latest TFT consoles so users can master their workouts with just a smartphone. Take control of your fitness: anytime, anywhere. The CircleFit wellness app collects and synthesizes all your fitness data, giving you easy access to your information on Circle Fitness cardio equipment or your smartphone. Check out some of the features of this app: Target Train, Body Manager, My Workout Performance, My Workout.

Target Train(TargetTraining)- Target Train is a cloud-based program that allows you to keep up to date with fitness goals and progress via real-time connection with the CircleFit wellness app. Target Train includes 5 different workout goals to motivate and guide you on the right path for your fitness plan.
Goal selection (distance, calories, exercise frequency, weight, body fat %): This program offers 5 different goal options to choose from. We provide users with detailed and encouraging information on the current status of their workouts, including progress charts and goal setting
Status Report: Provides performance reports and simple breakdowns of all workouts to encourage users to keep moving and stay fit.
Sharing: Social media integration allows our users to easily upload their progress to social media and encourage each other to stay active and healthy.
Sync with CircleFit: Our consoles are fully synced with the CircleFit wellness app, allowing users to monitor their workouts from their smartphone. Take full control of your fitness. anytime, anywhere.

My Performance -
View your workout performance on the cardio machine, in the training apps and on the wearable fitness device. Compare results and challenge yourself further! Whether you use Circle Fitness indoor equipment, outdoor fitness apps, or wearable equipment, Workout Performance has you covered!
sessions: We provide our users with information about each exercise session. Circle Fitness logs the use of your cardio equipment, outdoor fitness apps, and wearable devices to give you a detailed breakdown of your workout history.
Month: Our monthly comparison charts break down your monthly performance into handy graphs for you to study and compare.
Year: We've expanded our month-to-month charts to give you year-to-year comparisons of your fitness, so you can review your long-term training progress.
APP Integration: Seamless integration of all the training information from our indoor machines and your outdoor fitness apps lets you focus fully on your fitness program. All information is summarized in detailed charts and breakdowns so you can check progress over time.
Share: Social media integration allows our users to easily upload their progress to social media and encourage each other to stay active and healthy.
Sync with CircleFit: Our technology syncs with the Circle Cloud and CircleFit wellness app, giving users the ability to remotely track their workout data and history via their smartphone.

Body Manager (requires operation of a Circle Intelligent Body Analyzer and InBody570) - Body Manager is a body management program for measuring and tracking your body's fitness via the Circle Fitness IBA , InBody 570 and through the CircleFit Wellness app.
Our data integration technology compiles information from Circle Intelligent Body Analyzer and InBody570 and translates it into simple graphs and tables. Managing your body has never been easier.
Detailed explanation: Personalized data is clearly defined and measured, so you can manage your body without consulting a doctor!
History tracking: Being able to track your workouts for later review is an essential part of fitness management. Our history tracking displays your workout information in graphs to keep you well informed and in control.
Data Accessibility: User data is instantly available through our Quick Login feature via Bluetooth. All relevant information from InBody570 and Circle Body Analyzer is compiled and translated into a simple and intuitive user interface for study. Enjoy complete coverage of your fitness information with our Circle Cloud system, which allows you to sync data in real time between all your apps, devices and consoles. Outdoors or indoors, rain or shine, CircleFit has you covered!

My Gym - MyGym keeps users up to date with the latest news, classes and offers from their gyms. Plus, users can customize their personal schedules by adding or removing classes.
Stay Informed: Our bulletin feature keeps users up to date on the latest news and classes offered by their facilities.
Schedule Management: Our class feature displays the classes offered by your gym in a user-friendly calendar format.
Reminders: All added or removed classes are displayed in My Calendar for your convenience. We'll also remind you not to miss anything!
Sync with CircleFit: My Gym syncs with our wellness app CircleFit, which allows you to access all of your personal fitness information right from your smartphone!

My Workout - allows you to set the resistance level for each interval so you can create your own workout program. Tap on "Create your workout" to start customizing. Up to 3 exercise programs can be created. Create your own unique exercise program!
Customized workout layout: We believe that every single person deserves a customized workout. We offer our users the opportunity to design their own training tailored to their needs.


  • Mains-dependent drive
  • Induction braking system
  • Training computer with 39.6cm touch screen displaying watts, time, time remaining, distance, calories burned, resistance (level), cadence, pace, average speed, speed, heart rate, Average heart rate, profile display, lap display, METs.
  • Programs: Manual, Goal (time, distance, calories), Hill (easy/medium/hard), Hilltop (easy/medium/hard), Fat Burn (easy/medium/hard), Incline (easy/medium/hard), Strength (easy/medium/hard), Interval (easy/medium/hard)
  • Watt controlled program
  • 4 heart rate controlled programs - fat burn 65%, aerobic 75%, power 85%, individual target heart rate
  • 3 user defined programs
  • Quick Start function
  • Quick Shift buttons for resistance adjustment on the side handles by the handlebars
  • 25 resistance levels
  • reading holder integrated in the console
  • WiFi compatible
  • Google - web surfing - the EPlus 2.0 console is equipped with web surfing technology to keep users connected throughout their workout. Web surfing features transforms the workout device into an online media center, allowing for more motivated and engaged workouts
  • Netflix
  • Spotify
  • Music - the Circle Fitness device has music integration to keep you entertained and motivated. Access the music you love directly from your media apps or Android device! Music App Partnerships: Circle Fitness has partnered with the biggest online music services like Spotify, SoundCloud, and YouTube to give users unprecedented access to music and video. Compatibility with Android devices: all Circle Fitness devices are equipped with USB ports that allow users to directly access their favorite music
  • Youtube
  • Virtual Go - Live track experience with 10 preloaded, interactive tours - Virtual Connect takes you out of your home and into nature through 10 beautiful, interactive workout experiences! Virtual Connect simulates driving on one of 10 routes and guides you step by step through the virtual course. Experience the beautiful nature from the comfort of your home
  • Hand pulse sensors
  • Polar compatible
  • backrest adjustable in inclination (in different steps up to 10°)
  • ergonomic seat and back cushions increase seating comfort and provide additional support
  • low entry
  • solid steel frame construction for highest stability
  • high quality powder coating for long lasting good appearance and easy cleaning
  • soft-grip handles for easy cleaning and durability
  • side support handles with hand pulse sensors
  • front transport wheels
  • height adjustment
  • self-righting pedals
  • Easy-Strap pedal straps for one-hand adjustment
  • manual in english
  • color: anthracite
  • recommended guide price CHF 4'290.--

Use: home use to commercial continuous use, payload: approx. 150kg
Equipment dimensions: L168 x W63 x H136cm, weight 89,9kg
Accessories: integrated receiver for chest strap transmitter, hand pulse sensors, bottle holder
Option: transmitter belt, floor mat
Warranty: home use: 1 year on labor and spare parts (excl. consumables), 6 months for light institutional to commercial use (excl. consumables)

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