

A running partner to get you moving at home

You want a fitness equipment that complements your workout routine well? Running or jogging is one of the most popular sports in Switzerland. Thereby, a treadmill offers some decisive advantages compared to training outside.

With a treadmill you run or jog joint-friendly and healthy

A treadmill offers an uncomplicated endurance workout for beginners, advanced users and professionals. With this popular training device, you get a fitness partner at home that can be adjusted to your workout routine and dampens and cushions the running movements, unlike jogging outside.

If you are considering buying a treadmill, it pays to compare the different brands and devices well. Shark Fitness offers you the opportunity to test the devices on site in Wettingen (AG) or Wil (SG). However, based on the technical data and additional features, you can also filter out the treadmill that best suits you online. 

What to look for when buying a treadmill

Treadmills are available with different masses. The space conditions at your home are therefore crucial. In addition to the length and width, but also the height of the device but also the running surface is crucial. Finally, you should take into account the body size of the runner so that there is still enough space to the ceiling.


Not always is bigger equal to better. As far as the running surface of a treadmill is concerned, however, a larger surface provides a safer running feeling, especially for beginners. In addition, the running surface is also in relation to the body size of the runner to calculate. So provided you have enough space at home, invest in a treadmill with a certain footprint.


What motor power a good treadmill should have depends on the desired training and the physical constitution of the runner. The motor is braked by the impact energy at the moment of impact and must use a certain amount of power to overcome this braking force. The speed at which you run and your body weight add to the braking force and strain the motor's power. For treadmills with motor, we therefore recommend at least a power of 2 HP.


In addition to the standard versions, treadmills today offer many additional options or technical possibilities that you can select exactly according to your needs. 

If you value the fact that the treadmill can be folded away to save space, then you should consider the foldable devices such as the Horizon Fitness Adventure 1 treadmill or in the high-end range the Sports Art T656 Eco Natural

Maybe a headphone jack, storage space, or smartphone or tablet connectivity are more important to you, though. Compare treadmills online or on-site in our showrooms before you buy. 

Our treadmill bestsellers in comparison

152,5 x 56 cm
Training programs
6 programs
150 kg
Motor power
3.5 PS
i.a. foldable, Bluetooth interface
160 x 44 cm
Training programs
7 programs
150 kg
Motor power
Non motorized treadmill
Energy is generated by training

What are the advantages of treadmills?

  • Due to the damping, the joints are protected.
  • Full freedom: training at home is not bound to any opening hours.
  • Different training programs enable variable training.
  • If you are training for a hill run, you can skip the stressful hill run to save your knees.
  • Interval training provides a workout that doesn't translate equally well to running on an outside route.
  • With a treadmill you can exercise regardless of the weather conditions.

Treadmill training for increasing endurance and stamina

You have decided to buy a treadmill? You can not go wrong with it. Treadmill training promotes endurance and fitness and an optimal support to reduce body weight or body fat. 

With the pulse sensors, they can check your heart rate at any time. You set the training distance and duration on the treadmill and can thus gradually increase the athletic challenges. 

With the workout on a treadmill you train the thighs, buttocks muscles and calves but also the heart muscles are strengthened during this cardio workout. 

You are also not exposed to the elements and risk significantly fewer falls and accidents.