List of products by brand Nautilus

Nautilus is a well-known company that specializes in the production of fitness equipment. They have a long history in the fitness industry and are known for their high quality products.

Nautilus manufactures treadmills, elliptical trainers, ergometers and other fitness equipment suitable for home and commercial use. Nautilus products are often well thought out and designed for durability and effectiveness. Nautilus fitness equipment is generally a high-quality product designed to help people exercise effectively and comfortably in their own homes.

Treadmills: Nautilus manufactures treadmills that are suitable for home training. These treadmills offer different speed and incline settings to customize the running workout.

Elliptical trainers: Elliptical trainers offer a cardio workout that is easy on the joints. Nautilus has developed models that are suitable for both beginners and advanced users.

Exercise bikes and ergometers: Exercise bikes, like stationary bikes, are another product line from Nautilus. These devices offer an effective cardio workout and are often equipped with various training programs and settings.

Nautilus products are generally well constructed and built to last. They often offer innovative features and technologies to enhance the workout experience.

Nautilus E628 elliptical trainer
The E628 elliptical trainer is part of the Nautilus Performance series. The E628 is designed for serious competitors who want to improve their training. It is fully equipped with dozens of training programs, Bluetooth® connectivity and free app-based tracking tools to help maximize motivation and improve performance. With three variations in pedal angle settings, multiple muscle groups can be targeted and worked. The Nautilus elliptical trainer E628 enables varied mountain tours thanks to an electronic incline of 0-10°. Mountain runs and runs on flat terrain are possible on the Nautilus E628 elliptical trainer.