How effective is training with a cross trainer?

Horizon Fitness Crosstrainer Andes 5 Viewfit

The varieties of cross trainers are diverse and cover a wide range of functionality and price segment. Regular exercise on a crosstrainer helps you lose weight, keep fit and tone your muscles. At the same time, it is particularly easy on the joints.

What exercising on a crosstrainer can do for you

Most people make little use of their muscles in their daily, mostly sedentary work. This can lead to tension, weight gain and other health problems. The crosstrainer provides a remedy. If you use the crosstrainer regularly, you do something positive against excess weight and at the same time strengthen the quads, thighs, calves, buttocks and arm muscles. Based on the various setting options, you decide for yourself whether you want to focus your training more on the muscle groups, whether you set your goal on weight loss or whether you place your focus on cardio training. 

How many calories do you burn during a 30-minute workout on a cross trainer? 

Let's get back to the topic of losing weight. Many people prefer the cross trainer to the treadmill or bicycle ergometer when it comes to burning calories. This is mainly because a larger number of muscle groups can be exercised at the same time, allowing for a more intensive workout. If you only pay attention to burning calories, the result is similar to that on the treadmill. The rule of thumb is that treadmill training burns an average of 200 calories for a 30-minute run. This is similar for the cross trainer. The result also takes into account age, gender, physical fitness and the intensity of the training.

Horizon Fitness Cross Trainer Andes 2.0

How do I train properly on the crosstrainer? 

With a crosstrainer you can vary the focus of the training. You decide which muscle groups you want to strengthen the most. Modern crosstrainers have so-called "core balance systems", which include options for adjusting the increase and resistance. For example, around 20 incline levels of up to 30 degrees are possible. This makes it possible to work the leg and gluteal muscles even more intensively.

Crosstrainers also offer a fantastic cardio workout. Just two to three regular exercise sessions per week will improve your overall aerobic fitness. Start with short sessions of about 15 minutes and gradually increase the amount of time you spend exercising. It is important that you feel comfortable exercising and that you do not push yourself too hard, especially if you are untrained. If you are unsure about exercising in relation to your health condition, talk to your doctor or a medical professional beforehand. 

Which is the best crosstrainer?  

There is a wide range of products in this area. Shark Fitness onlineshop offers here various models from strong manufacturers such as Spirit Fitness, Tunturi, SportsArt, Horizon Fitness, NordicTrackMatrix Fitness Life FitessOctane Fitness etc. It is important that you find a machine that meets your needs. Do you have limited space? Would you like to connect multimedia devices - or be able to set as many different training variations as possible? 

We present three devices that offer an excellent price/performance ratio and a high level of functionality: 

The experts at Shark Fitness can help

At the Shark Fitness online store, you'll find a wide selection of high-quality cross trainers (ellipticals and steppers). Want to buy a crosstrainer but unsure which one suits you best? Our fitness experts will be happy to help you find the perfect crosstrainer for you. Contact us without obligation or visit us in our Shark Fitness stores in Wettingen or Wil (SG).

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By Shark Fitness AG 08/30/2021 12:52:27

Liebe Sporty, Wir hoffen, dass du mit unserem Blogbeitrag zu Crosstrainer & Stepper deine Fitnessziele besser erreichen kannst. Teile uns deine Fortschritte mit und lass uns an deinem Erfolg teilhaben. Liebe Grüsse dein Shark Fitness-Team

By Sporty 08/26/2021 10:41:49

Ich möchte abnehmen mit einem Crosstrainer, aber hatte aber keine Ahnung wie häufig und wie lange ich trainieren muss... DURCHHALTEN!