Muscle building

Muscle building

Muscle building refers to the process of increasing muscle mass and strength through targeted training and proper nutrition.

Resistance Training: To build muscle mass, regular resistance training is crucial. This can be done by lifting weights, using fitness equipment, body weight exercises or other forms of resistance training. Training aims to stimulate the muscles and cause micro-injuries in the muscle fibers so they can rebuild and become stronger during the recovery period.

Progressive Overload Principle: Muscle building requires continuous challenge of the muscles. The progression principle states that over time you should increase the intensity, weight or number of repetitions of the workout to continually provide new stimuli to the muscles to stimulate muscle growth.

Balanced diet: A healthy and balanced diet plays an important role in muscle building. Adequate protein intake is especially important as protein is the building blocks for muscles. It is recommended to include protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, legumes, eggs and dairy products in the diet. In addition, carbohydrates are also important for energy during exercise and healthy fats for various bodily functions.

Adequate recovery: muscle building occurs not only during training, but also during the recovery phase. Giving muscles adequate time to recover and recuperate is crucial to prevent injury and promote muscle growth. Sleep, rest between workouts and targeted relaxation techniques can help.

Consistency and patience: building muscle is a long-term process that requires time, commitment and patience. It is important to maintain a steady training program and set realistic goals. Results are not seen overnight, but develop gradually over time.

There are several types of sports nutrition that can be helpful for building muscle.

Protein: Protein is one of the most important nutrients for building muscle because it provides the building blocks for muscle tissue. Foods rich in protein include meat, fish, chicken, eggs, dairy products, legumes, nuts and seeds. It is recommended to consume enough protein in every meal to prevent muscle protein breakdown and promote muscle recovery.

WheyProtein: Whey protein is a popular dietary supplement for athletes that provides a convenient and quickly digestible source of high-quality protein. It can be taken before or after exercise to meet protein needs and support muscle recovery.

Creatine: Creatine is a substance that occurs naturally in the body and plays an important role in providing energy to muscles. Taking creatine as a dietary supplement can increase strength and performance, which in turn can promote muscle growth. However, it is important to follow the intake recommendations and consult a physician or nutrition expert if needed.

Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for physical activity and workouts. Adequate carbohydrate intake is important to provide enough energy for exercise and to replenish glycogen stores in the muscles. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes are good sources of complex carbohydrates.

HealthyFats: Healthy fats are important for various bodily functions and also play a role in muscle building. Nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil and fatty fish like salmon are good sources of healthy fats.

It is important to note that sports nutrition should be considered as a supplement to a balanced and varied diet. It is advisable to discuss individual nutritional needs and goals with a nutritionist or professional to develop an optimal nutritional strategy for building muscle.

Sponser Pro Recovery All in one 800g can
44/44 PRO Recovery is a naturally sweetened protein supplement with All -in-One character. High-quality protein components combined with long-chain starch hydrolisates support the recovery phase (muscles and glycogen stores) after hard endurance or power workouts.
CHF 47.70
CHF 53.00
Sponser Multi Protein CFF 425g can
Multi Protein is a multi-component protein based on high-quality milk and whey protein from cross flow microfiltration and egg albumin. The physical preparation processes by means of ultra- and microfiltration guarantee the natural protein quality and offer the highest biological value.
CHF 28.80
CHF 32.00
Sponser Multi Protein CFF 850g can
Multi Protein is a multi-component protein based on high-quality milk and whey protein from cross flow microfiltration and egg albumin. The physical preparation processes by means of ultra- and microfiltration guarantee the natural protein quality and offer the highest biological value.
CHF 53.10
CHF 59.00
Dymatize BCAA 2200 400 capsules
After strength training, the metabolism runs at full speed and the build-up of muscle protein is stimulated. Amino acids are the building blocks of these proteins. Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) belong to the 9 essential amino acids that cannot be produced by the human body itself - therefore, the need must be covered through food intake. The BCAAs L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine are three branched chain amino acids and account for about 20-35% of human muscle protein.
CHF 47.61
CHF 52.90
Optimum Nutrition 100% Casein Gold Standard 924g
The 100% Casein Gold Standard is the world's leading and first pure micellar casein on the market. The long-chain protein with a high content of BCAA's and L-Glutamine is significantly thicker and firmer compared to Whey or Egg Protein. Thus, the creamy shake provides 24 grams of purest protein and 3 grams of carbohydrates without added sugar and with very little fat. Especially at night casein is ideal to support muscle maintenance.
CHF 53.91
CHF 59.90
Optimum Nutrition 100% Casein Gold Standard 1818g
The 100% Casein Gold Standard is the world's leading and first pure micellar casein on the market. The long-chain protein with a high content of BCAA's and L-Glutamine is significantly thicker and firmer compared to Whey or Egg Protein. Thus, the creamy shake provides 24 grams of purest protein and 3 grams of carbohydrates without added sugar and with very little fat. Especially at night casein is ideal to support muscle maintenance.
CHF 89.91
CHF 99.90
All Stars Mass Gain 2000g can
The weight gainer for your mass building, with more than 360kcal per shake (when mixed with water) and numerous vitamins. Each shake provides more than 70g of valuable carbohydrates and 15g of high-quality whey protein. In addition, a vitamin B complex with vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, pantothenic acid, biotin and B12 has been added, as well as vitamins C and E.
CHF 51.21
CHF 56.90
Inkospor Active Protein Shake lactose-free 450g tin
Whether you are vegan, lactose intolerant or gluten intolerant, with the new inkospor reg:Active Protein Shake nobody has to miss out on a delicious protein shake after training. The product contains 80% protein with a high biological value and valuable vitamins, but is also lactose-free, gluten-free, vegan, GMO-free and low in fat, cholesterol and purines.
CHF 19.80
CHF 22.00
Sponser Power Pro Red Beet Vinitrox 4 x 60ml
Beet Shot is equivalent to the nitrate content of 500 ml of beet juice. VinitroxTM, Whey Pepto CFMTM, L-Arginine and L-Ornithine also promote NO production. FruitflowTM helps maintain normal platelet aggregation, which contributes to healthy blood flow. Strength athletes confirm that NO products provide the so-called pump.
CHF 18.00
CHF 20.00