Amino acids

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and play an important role in sports nutrition.

Essential amino acids: There are a total of 20 amino acids, nine of which are considered essential. Essential amino acids are those that the body cannot produce itself and therefore must be ingested through food. Essential amino acids include histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine.

Importance for muscle building: Amino acids are essential for muscle building and repair. In particular, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), which include leucine, isoleucine, and valine, are essential for muscle protein synthesis. These amino acids support muscle building and can help prevent muscle breakdown during intense workouts.

Aminoacid supplementation: In some cases, athletes can take amino acids as dietary supplements to provide the body with additional amino acids. Amino acid supplements may be available in tablet, capsule or powder form. Popular supplements include BCAA preparations, which specifically contain the branched-chain amino acids.

Timing: The timingof amino acid intake can play a role. Taking them before or during exercise can help stimulate muscle protein synthesis during exercise and prevent muscle breakdown. Taking them after exercise can help with muscle recovery and repair.

Natural sources: Amino acids are found in a variety of foods. Protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, chicken, eggs, dairy products, legumes, nuts and seeds contain a variety of amino acids. A balanced diet that includes a variety of protein sources can help provide the body with the amino acids it needs.

It is important to note that a balanced diet containing a variety of macronutrients and micronutrients is always preferable. The use of supplements should be carefully considered and discussed with a nutritionist or physician to ensure that individual needs and goals are met.

Sponser Pro Beta Alanine 140 tablets
Beta Alanine by SPONSER is an intracellular acid buffer for competitive and strength athletes. Suitable for high-intensity, repetitive loads, where muscle overacidification becomes performance-limiting. The amino acid supplement increases the muscle's own carnosine content, which increases the intracellular acid buffer capacity and thus can increase performance in anaerobic-lactacid sports.
CHF 31.50
CHF 35.00
Powerfood One EAA 500g can
Enjoy an active lifestyle! This combination of 100% free EAA amino acids and L-Citrulline strengthen your muscle tissue and provide the blast in training. The muscles can regenerate better and are more powerful for future loads.
CHF 35.91
CHF 39.90
Powerfood One BCAA Super Caps 240 capsules
Powerfood One's BCAA Super Caps contain a potent blend of branched-chain amino acids - the building blocks that can build muscle mass and size. BCAAs are metabolized directly in the muscle and in this way improve nitrogen storage by sparing other groups of amino acids for repair and rebuilding.
CHF 31.41
CHF 34.90
Powerfood One Pre-Pump 600g can
Enjoy an active lifestyle! Pre-Pump is a particularly effective pump and muscle building supplement and is considered the innovation par excellence in the field of pre-workout energy boosters. Pre-Pump provides the most important nutrients and Nitric Oxide factors for before and during training.
CHF 38.61
CHF 42.90
Powerfood Rocket BCAA 500g tin
Enjoy an active lifestyle - enjoy Rocket BCAA + Aminos! -Awaken the power within you - with Rocket BCAA. ROCKET ® from the PowerFood One brand is a BCAA and amino booster that gives your training the necessary kick. The high-quality raw materials make the product perfectly soluble, so it can be drunk before or during your entire workout. The perfect ratio of the 4g BCAA amino acids L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine in ROCKET ® creates a perfect environment for the muscles and also prevents muscle breakdown during high-intensity training. 4g of L-glutamine in ROCKET ® ensure an optimised amino supply during training. Muscle building and muscle protein synthesis are positively influenced by the amino acids supplied. The green tea extract contained in ROCKET ® provides an additional boost. Finally, the underdog amino acid L-tyrosine in ROCKET ® improves stress resistance and mental focus, thus perfecting training.
CHF 35.91
CHF 39.90
Optimum Nutrition Glutamine Powder 1050g can
You train hard, really hard. The last thing you need is unintended downtime counteracting your efforts. Protect your effort with glutamine. This conditional and essential amino acid accounts for about 50% of your total amino needs, which makes it the richest amino acid in the body. Therefore, keep your supply well stocked, especially during the winter months and for times when you push yourself to the limit.
CHF 62.91
CHF 69.90
Optimum Nutrition Glutamine Powder 630g can
You train hard, really hard. The last thing you need is unintended downtime counteracting your efforts. Protect your effort with glutamine. This conditional and essential amino acid accounts for about 50% of your total amino needs, which makes it the richest amino acid in the body. Therefore, keep your supply well stocked, especially during the winter months and for times when you push yourself to the limit.
CHF 46.71
CHF 51.90
Optimum Nutrition Mojito EAA Energy 432g
EAAs are contained in protein-rich foods such as chicken and beef, as well as in Whey Protein products. However, EAAs as a dietary supplement and supplement are the better choice for athletes, they finally provide the body sufficiently with all important EAAs and that in high, effective dosage.
CHF 37.71
CHF 41.90
Dymatize BCAA 2200 400 capsules
After strength training, the metabolism runs at full speed and the build-up of muscle protein is stimulated. Amino acids are the building blocks of these proteins. Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) belong to the 9 essential amino acids that cannot be produced by the human body itself - therefore, the need must be covered through food intake. The BCAAs L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine are three branched chain amino acids and account for about 20-35% of human muscle protein.
CHF 47.61
CHF 52.90