Slim and fit - proteins

Proteins and proteins play a crucial role in sports nutrition.

Function of Proteins: Proteins are essential nutrients made up of amino acids. They serve as building blocks for cells, tissues and organs in the body and perform numerous functions, including building and repairing muscle tissue, supporting the immune system and hormone production.

Importance to Mus cle Building: Proteins are especially important for muscle building and recovery after exercise. During exercise, muscle tissues are damaged and proteins are necessary to repair this damage and promote muscle growth. Adequate amounts of protein in the diet help prevent muscle breakdown and support muscle growth.

Protein Requirements for Athletes: Protein requirements for athletes can vary depending on activity level, training intensity, type of training, and individual factors. In general, it is recommended that athletes have an increased protein intake, ranging from 1.2-2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. This can be achieved through protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, eggs, legumes, and soy products.

Protein sources in sports nutrition: In addition to natural protein sources, protein supplements such as protein powders, protein bars or protein shakes can be used to meet protein requirements. These supplements provide a convenient and efficient way to increase protein intake, especially for athletes who have difficulty getting enough protein from their normal diet.

Timing of Protein Intake: The distribution of protein intake throughout the day is important to achieve optimal muscle protein synthesis. It is recommended that protein be distributed evenly throughout meals and that a high-protein meal or protein shake be consumed after exercise to promote muscle recovery.

It is important to note that individual protein needs may vary depending on goals, body composition and training program. It is advisable to consult a physician, nutritionist or sports nutrition professional to determine individual protein needs and develop a tailored nutrition strategy.

Dymatize ISO 100 900g can
The best-selling isolate in the world before and after training! Everyone who strives for a defined, yet powerful physique, knows the challenge on the one hand to promote muscle protein synthesis and on the other hand to consider a targeted calorie intake. This requires the highest product quality so that, in addition to the right amount of protein, as few excess calories as possible are absorbed.
Dymatize ISO 100 2264g can
The best-selling isolate in the world before and after training! Everyone who strives for a defined, yet powerful physique, knows the challenge on the one hand to promote muscle protein synthesis and on the other hand to consider a targeted calorie intake. This requires the highest product quality so that, in addition to the right amount of protein, as few excess calories as possible are absorbed.
All Stars Hy-Pro 400g bag
Quick and easy to mix with water or milk. Makes a deliciously creamy and tasty HY-PRO protein shake. Low in calories, low in fat and sugar. Can also be used to refine muesli, porridge, quark, yoghurt and for baking delicious protein muffins and cakes. With its different types of protein, HY-PRO Protein Shake provides 20g of protein per 25g portion. The protein powder is enriched with B vitamins, vitamin C and E + magnesium!
All Stars Rice Pudding, neutral, 2000g tin
Are you looking for a quick source of energy? One that fills you up, is easy to digest and doesn't put a strain on your body? Then the new Rice Pudding (Instant) is the perfect choice for you. Whether you need extra calories for the bulking phase, quick energy for the next meeting or training session or you want to satisfy a small hunger pang in between, All Stars Rice Pudding (instant) is the perfect choice. Quick and easy to prepare, it is quick and easy to enjoy. Try it out - on its own or with your favorite toppings.
All Stars Oatcake Bar 12 x 80g
The Oatcake is a delicious oat bar for sport and leisure. The new 80g oat bar from ALL STARS is the ideal meal replacement before training or on the go when there is no time for a proper meal. The OATCAKE Bar is lovingly made by hand and baked in the oven.
Sponser Clear Iso Whey 450g bag
CLEAR ISO WHEY from Sponser is a clear protein shake that provides you with protein and tastes as fruity and delicious as a thirst quencher. Not only the taste, but also the composition are unique: CLEAR ISO WHEY is gluten and lactose free and contains practically no sugar or carbohydrates. Available in the trendy flavors Blueberry, Watermelon and Orange Yuzu.
Weider Plant Based Protein 450g can
High-quality combination of pea, field bean and rice protein - the perfect protein powder for a vegan diet. The delicious plant-based protein is perfect for consumption before or after training, or as a practical source of protein in between meals. Athletes and active people in particular, but also older people, benefit from an increased protein intake to supply their muscles and bones with sufficient amounts of the vital building blocks. People who are following a weight loss diet and are in a calorie deficit should also ensure that they maintain their muscles by increasing their protein intake.
Flavor Powder 250g tin
Foods such as quark and yoghurt contain lots of valuable proteins and have excellent nutritional values - but unfortunately they are difficult to enjoy on their own or quickly become monotonous and boring. This is now a thing of the past! With our delicious Flavor Powder, monotony and boredom in meal planning are a thing of the past. The outrageously delicious flavor powders are based on the dietary fiber inulin and provide an unforgettable taste experience thanks to their balanced flavoring and sweetness. Dairy products such as low-fat quark, skyr and yoghurt can be transformed into irresistibly delicious desserts in no time at all with our flavor powders. Our flavor powders also cut an excellent figure in muesli or porridge.